Workshares are full for 2023 season

Workshares are full for 2023 season

Workshares are full for the 2023 season! Thank you so much for your support! If you’d like to sign up to be on the wait list, please reach out!

Workshare Program

We value our connection with the land, and what it provides for us when tended; as well as coming together in the shared experience of growing food.

In addition to providing access to local grass- fed beef to the community, Bluestem Hollow is also dedicated to providing opportunities for the community to participate in growing and harvesting of produce through our workshare program.

Our workshare program allows members to access the gardens at Bluestem Hollow, and with our experienced gardener, obtain the skills to grow seasonal produce. Through this program members receive produce that they had a hand in producing through each step of the process. The goal is to provide knowledge and gardening skills while providing access to fresh, healthy food that is not dependent on a larger supply chain.


Join us for 3 hours of work per week on the farm in Greenback, TN April- October to be part of our seasonal workshare team. We have dates available Monday, Wednesday, and Friday each week for your convenience.

In return for your time on the farm, you’ll receive a weekly produce provision box.

Sustaining WorkShare

If you’re looking to be out on the farm all year, joining our sustaining workshare is for you!

This workshare is Year around. Join us for 5 hours per week during season (April- September) and 3 hours per week during off season ( October- March )You’ll receive weekly and seasonal provision box including protein, honey, and produce. The items in the boxes will vary based on seasonal availability.The sustaining workshare also gives you access to discounts on farm events.